5-7 Jul 2023 Perpignan city center - Campus Mailly (France)

About CNET 2023

We are pleased to announce the 24th annual meeting organized by the French research community working on transposable elements (CNET). This event gathers researchers interested in transposable elements, including population and comparative genomics, molecular and cellular mechanisms, ecology and evolution.

This year the meeting will take place July 5–7 in Perpignan, in Mailly Campus, located in city center (21 rue Emile Zola, Perpignan).

We invite contributions including molecular, genetics and cellular studies, as well as bioinformatics and mathematical modeling approaches, applied to a wide range of model organisms (prokaryotes, plants, yeast, insects, ciliates, vertebrates, ...).

The program will include keynote speakers, selected talks and ample time for poster presentation and discussions. Junior researchers are particularly encouraged to apply for oral presentations.



Abstract submission deadline : 16th June 2023  19th June 2023

Registration deadline : 16th June 2023  19th June 2023


Price Registration

Academic : 120€ TTC

LGDP members : 100€ TTC



Olivier Panaud, Marie-Christine Carpentier 

Delphine Lignon, Elisabeth Goetschy and Joelle Vigier

If you have any questions, please send a mail to cnet2023@sciencesconf.org 


Scientifc committee
Moaine El Baidouri, CR CNRS
Marie Mirouze, CR IRD
Guillaume Moissiard, CR CNRS
Olivier Panaud, Pr. UPVD
Marie-Christine Carpentier, IE Phd CNRS

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